
One of my favorite super food snacks :)
Caring for our body’s needs is essential to building and maintaining the vitality, agility and resilience needed to significantly contribute to social change. I learned this the hard way.
During the first month of my master’s program in 2010, I spiraled into a confusing health crisis in which I felt dizzy, tired and weak, depressed and distracted. Suddenly the abilities that had got me into the program seemed to have disappeared. After a grueling couple of months searching for answers and coming to terms with my new reality, it became clear that I had developed several food allergies and the allergic reaction was causing my symptoms. But what were the underlying causes?
With the support of a functional doctor and lot of soul searching I came to terms with the fact that for several years I had had a very extractive relationship with my body. In my work in rural areas of India and Peru I had completely ignored clear signs that I was doing harm to my intestine and I was willing to submit my body to all kinds of stress with no consideration for its wellbeing.
It has been a learning journey to turn this situation around by developing a nurturing collaborative relationship with my body by integrating practices around breathing, hydration, nutrition, exercise and mindfulness that can really sustain my body’s vitality, agility and resilience. As a result of this health crisis, in many respects my health is much better today that it was before. I spend a lot more time cooking organic superfoods-based meals and profoundly love riding around the city on my bike. Self care has become an important pillar of any team that I am a part of.